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...​In one hand, fragmenting means to reduce to portions. On the other, is to divide or be divided; also is the sexual reproduction method used by plants...

...Essentially for me, is the way life is built, everything is made out of fragments...

...By manipulating a fragment, I manipulate a whole entity. That is why the fragment is at the center of my process of creation, as a technical resource in the process of creation...

...Another aspect that has always intrigued me is the invisible, the blank spaces, persuaded that these space-times between fragments are not empty...

...Because for me, the opposites become complementary...

...If entropy is an aspect of the universe, so is the capacity of man to set up order. Fragmentation is the activation of the will of choosing, the power of

reconstruction, the capacity of healing, to join up, to gather the complementariness...


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